
Enjoying state-of-the-art functionality and keeping pace with the latest technology to run your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software means reviewing your Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) applications on a regular basis. Only by leveraging the new functions and features provided by the application software will your operations continue to be supported and benefit from ongoing efficiency improvement.

PCCW Solutions holds more than 13 years’ experience in implementing and upgrading Oracle EBS applications in Hong Kong, mainland China and other Asia Pacific geographies. In addition to helping numerous organisations with this task, we are a pioneer in using Oracle EBS to support its own internal business operations. Our experience covers a broad range of Oracle product lines, including Oracle Financials (commercial and public sector), Oracle Procurement, Oracle Logistics, Oracle Human Resources and Oracle Payroll modules.

Service offering

Lenovo PCCW Solutions provides numerous upgrade services ranging from:

  • Oracle EBS software standard technical upgrades
  • Oracle EBS software standard technical and customisation upgrades
  • Hardware re-platforming
  • Hardware OS upgrades
  • Database upgrades
  • A combination of the above

Customer benefits

Lenovo PCCW Solutions' Oracle upgrade service delivers the following premium value and key advantages to your organisation:

  • Agility to enable more rapid business adjustment in a fast-expanding industry.
  • Better customer support through faster response, greater integration of functionality and new self-service capabilities.
  • Reduction in operational costs.
  • Seamlessly integrate internal/external operations and applications.
  • Future-proof functionality support that will yield business benefits.
  • Streamline process and system complexity.

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