
27 Apr, 2017 - Hong Kong

Fintech is driving innovation in financial services globally and changing the nature of commerce and end-user expectations for payments and financial services. While fintech may carry different meanings, it is commonly considered to cover areas such as payments, big data analytics, applications, platforms and cyber security.

Whether Hong Kong would become the fintech hub in Asia is one of the hot discussion topics in the industry in recent years. Despite the key segment, the disruption brought by insurtech and regtech has aroused great interest.

At the Next Generation of Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Industry Forum organized by PCCW Solutions, Fintech and Regtech Leader of China and Hong Kong from PwC and PCCW Solutions will focus on discussing the updates and insights on the latest technology trends shaping the financial services industry in the region, and how enterprises can tackle the challenges and opportunities brought by regulatory compliance requirements.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Eaven Chung at or 2296 8823.


2:15PM - 2:30PM


2:30PM – 2:40PM

Opening Remarks

2:40PM – 3:10PM

How PCCW Solutions helps retailers build digital business capabilities

By Mr. Leo Ting, Associate Business Director, PCCW Solutions

3:10PM - 3:40PM

Creating ‘wow’ customer experiences for sustainable business growth

By Mr. David Chung, Senior Partner, InnoEdge Consulting

3:40PM - 4:00PM

Networking break

4:00PM - 4:30PM

Multimedia big data analytics for smart advertising

By Dr. Ming Cheung, Ph.D. Research Associate, HKUST


Ramez Younan

Managing Director
PCCW Solutions

Ramez Younan

Managing Director, PCCW Solutions

Mr. Ramez Younan is Managing Director of PCCW Solutions. Mr. Younan has over 25 years of experience in Fortune 500 companies including organizations in IT and telecommunications in 60 countries, and has extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions, integration and assimilation of global organizations.

Mr. Younan joined PCCW Solutions as Chief Operating Officer of its international business in August 2013. Prior to that, he was the Chief Executive Officer of Orga Systems in Germany making it the fastest growing in the industry during his tenure. He had also served at Oracle Corporation for more than a decade in several roles, last of which was Global Group Vice President of Global Consulting Services of the telecommunications unit making it the largest global telecom software provider at the time.

Henri Arslanian

FinTech & RegTech Lead, China/HK and U.S. Liaison
PwC - Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau

Henri Arslanian

FinTech & RegTech Lead, China/HK and U.S. Liaison, PwC - Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau

Henri Arslanian is the PwC FinTech & RegTech Lead for China/Hong Kong and U.S. Liaison. He is also a TEDx speaker, a published author and currently sits on several finance, academic, government, civil society, and FinTech related boards and advisory boards. He also sits on both the HK SFC’s FinTech Advisory Group and the FSDC’s Fintech working group.

A member of the Milken Institute’s Young Leaders Circle and with over 150,000 LinkedIn followers, Henri has been awarded many industry and academic awards over the years from being named one of the Most Influential Individuals in FinTech in Asia to being awarded the Governor General of Canada Gold Medal for Academic Excellence.

With great support from our honourable guests and speakers, we had a wonderful night sharing the insights on the latest technology trends shaping the financial services industry in the region, and how enterprises can tackle the challenges and opportunities brought by regulatory compliance requirements.

Mr. Ramez Younan, Managing Director of PCCW Solutions delivered a welcome speech to kick off the event.

Mr. Henri Arslanian, FinTech & RegTech Lead, China/HK and U.S. Liaison of PwC brought us the inspirational keynote speech about the latest global developments in FinTech, RegTech and InsurTech and the impact on the financial services industry.

Mr. Andy Mak, Senior Vice President of PCCW Solutions shared his industry insights about the complex regulatory landscape for FinTech adoption in Hong Kong, Singapore and China.

Mr. Nilo Reyes, Client Partner of PCCW Solutions presented how do financial institutions balance convenience vs risk.

Mr. Terence Ho, Vice President of PCCW Solutions presented how insurance industry can integrate blockchain into business.

Our guests and executives from PCCW Solutions had fruitful discussions during the event.

Our guests and executives from PCCW Solutions had fruitful discussions during the event.

Our guests and executives from PCCW Solutions had fruitful discussions during the event.

Our guests and executives from PCCW Solutions had fruitful discussions during the event.

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