
28 Jan, 2019 - Hong Kong

On January 28, 2019, industry experts from PCCW Solutions, SAS Hong Kong and Maxnerva jointly shared their thoughts and experiences in the ‘Embracing smart factory technologies in new digital era’ workshop. A group of senior executives from the manufacturing industry learnt how they could leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to streamline their production process and maintain their competitiveness.

Mr. Godfrey Poon, Director, Client Development of PCCW Solutions gave a presentation on technology and innovation for the future of production.

Mr. Jason Tang, Principal of Business Development of SAS Hong Kong delivered an insightful talk about gaining the true value of IoT data through analytics and AI.

Mr. Ben Cheng, Executive Director and Mr. Jing Zong, Head of Smart Manufacturing Solutions from Maxnerva shared how to empower smart manufacturing through robotics and automation applications.


2:15PM - 2:30PM


2:30PM – 2:35PM

Welcome Remarks

2:35PM – 3:00PM

China Manufacturing 2025 - technology and innovation for the future of production

by Godfrey Poon, Director, Client Development, Manufacturing, PCCW Solutions

3:00PM - 3:30PM

Gaining the true value of IoT data through Analytics and AI

by Jason Tang, Principal of Business Development, SAS Hong Kong

3:30PM - 3:50PM

Networking break

3:50PM - 4:20PM

Empowering Smart Manufacturing - robotics and automation applications

智造賦能: 機器人及自動化技術應用
by Jing Zong (锺靖), Head of Smart Manufacturing Solutions, Maxnerva

4:20PM - 4:30PM

Q & A discussion

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