
26 Jan, 2018 - Hong Kong

PCCW Solutions and SAS co-organized the Marketing Insights Workshop with the topic of ‘Making real-time customer experience into a reality through AI and analytics’ tailoring for the marketing professionals and senior executives.

In the workshop, experts from PCCW Solutions and SAS delivered a highly digestible overview on the application of AI & Big Data Analytics technologies, as well as insights on how leading retailers capitalize the data to generate significant competitive edge in today’s digital age.

Mr. Clarence Chung, Vice President of PCCW Solutions delivered the welcome speech.

Mr. Jason Tang, Principal, Business Development, Presales of SAS shared how to create a better customer experience with real-time analytics in retail industry.

Mr. Leo Ting, Associate Business Director of PCCW Solutions gave us a presentation of how the next-gen digital and analytics solutions drive omni-channel retail transformation.

Mr. Steven Wong, Business Consulting Manager of PCCW Solutions introduced the managed private cloud service.

Attendees from various industries shared their experience and exchanged their views on the topics discussed.

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2:15PM - 2:30PM


2:30PM - 2:35PM


2:35PM – 3:10PM

The application of Machine Learning/AI in Retail Industry: Better Customer Experience with Real-Time Analytics

Jason Tang, Principal, Business Development, Presales, SAS Institute Ltd

3:10PM – 3:30PM

Coffee Break

3:30PM - 4:10PM

How next-gen digital and analytics solutions drive omni channel retail transformation

Leo Ting, Associate Business Director, PCCW Solutions

4:10PM - 4:15PM


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