
22 Mar, 2019 - The Philippines

At the ‘Redefining and Securing the Digital Experience in the Financial Services Sector’ forum in Manila, industry experts from PCCW Solutions and V-Key teamed up to introduce innovative cyber security and next-generation intelligent solutions for the banking industry. Our guest speakers shared experiences on potential security threats and systematic approach in using the right solutions and tools to fortify their banking systems against future threats.

Mr. Atul Babu (right), SVP & Head of International Business from PCCW Solutions shared his thoughts on the impact of digital transformation in the financial services sector.

Mr. Lanny Batac, BFSI Lead from PCCW Solutions Philippines introduced a systematic approach to cyber security.

Team photo: PCCW Solutions teamed up with V-Key to host this successful event.


9:00AM - 9:30AM


9:30AM - 9:40AM

Welcome Remarks

9:40AM - 10:10AM

Transforming the Digital Economy

10:10AM - 10:40AM

Navigating a Sea of Digital Opportunities for Growth

10:40AM - 11:00AM

Coffee Break

11:00AM - 11:30AM

Fireside Chat – Disruptive Mobile Banking Technologies

11:30AM - 11:40AM


11:40AM - 1:00PM

Lunch and Booth Demonstrations

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