
How to maintain resilient business operations amid pandemic? By deploying advanced customer-facing digital technologies, it can help minimizing business interruption, protecting your employees while maintaining customers' trust.

Join our Digital Resilience Technology Webinar where you can get insights on innovative technology and explore the bespoke solutions to support your resilient operations.

Topics covered:

• Acceleration of Customer-facing Digital Technologies Amid Pandemic

• Solutions Demonstration:
  - Thermal Fever Screening System
  - AI Reception
  - e-Directory
  - Smart Washroom Management (IoT)
  - Intelligent Unmanned Store
  - Smart Parking and Charging
  - Infinitum Visum (Smart Mirror)

*Conducted in Cantonese*


Simon Leung
Senior Client Development Manager
PCCW Solutions

With solid technical knowledge and implementation experience in security and building management solutions for large-scale deployment, Simon provides professional consulting services to advise the most suitable IT solutions that cater for clients’ business needs.

* fields are mandatory


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