
Information can be drawn from various sources and in different formats, arising from operations, diversified knowledge culture, different performance indicators, numerous profitability analyses, and multiple departmental intelligence. To support timely decision making, you need a high performance Business Intelligence solution to transform the operational data into actionable knowledge.

Service scope

Lenovo PCCW Solutions' technical teams are experienced in architecting, implementing, and maintaining sophisticated systems. Our specialists can provide technical services in the design and implementation of business intelligence solutions and other data warehouse solutions.

Our business analytics suite includes:

  • Customer relationship analytics provides a thorough examination and comparison of various customer behavior, product opportunities, and service profitability

  • Performance measurement analytics enables a multi dimension measurement of various portfolios and transactions, allowing immediate decision and actions for performance excellence

  • Risk management analytics offers close monitoring and tracking of risk factors, facilitating assessment within a defined risk framework to optimize operation strategies

Customer benefits

  • Allow single-view of customer profile and profitability performance for decision support

  • Identify profitability profiles in terms of profitable customer segments, product categories, and cost allocation. Optimize cross-selling and up-selling opportunities and improve return on marketing/sales programs

  • Able to deploy the most cost-effective service channel according to customer behavior

  • Enable consolidated yet multi-perspective assessment of risk exposures across portfolios and products for proactive risk control

  • Facilitate proactive liquidity and interest rate risk management with multi-currencies analysis

  • Offer comprehensive financial performance and benchmarking capabilities for various business needs

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