
Lenovo PCCW Solutions has launched the Electronic Document Management System (eDMS) with browser-based design. The system enables users to access document images, indexing information and corresponding attachments via a web browser.

A user-centric solution, eDMS is able to serve a wide range of industries such as healthcare legal, financial services, insurance and education. Users can experience a comprehensive range of document management functions, with secure storage and access, a sophisticated search engine, customised workflow and traceable version control.

Lenovo PCCW Solutions offers a one-stop shop approach that covers document/image scanning and data entry process to convert hardcopies into images to be organised by eDMS. Our one-stop service helps customers to reduce document-handling admin cost and enables them to focus on their core business.


  • One-stop service covering membership form scanning, data entry, document management and storage
  • Instant access to electronic customer records anytime, anywhere
  • Stringent security access control to prevent unauthorised access


  • Achieve higher efficiency in customer records retrieval and enhance customer experience
  • Digitise customer records to facilitate information exchange among stores
  • Effective management and secure storage of customer records

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