
29 Aug, 2018 - Hong Kong

PCCW Solutions and SAP co-organized the seminar ‘New definition for human resource in digital era’ on Aug 29, 2018. The seminar was well-attended by HR professionals who were keen to learn the prevalent trend in total workforce management and ways to manage both permanent and contingent workforce to improve employee collaboration. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our speakers and guest customers for their participation despite the amber rainstorm – and made the event a great success!

The seminar was well-attended by HR professionals.

Mr. Godfrey Poon, Director, Client Development of PCCW Solutions, delivered the welcome speech.

Mr. Steven Wong, Business Consultant Manager of PCCW Solutions, shared the latest trend in workforce management for better employee collaboration.

Ms. Annalena Kopf, Solutions Consultant of SAP presented ways to manage total workforce with SAP SuccessFactors.

Mr. Erik Tang, Presales Expert of SAP gave an inspirational presentation on SAP Fieldglass to complete contingent workforce management.


2:15PM - 2:30PM


2:30PM – 2:40PM

Welcome speech

2:40PM – 3:05PM

Team work has no geographic boundary

by Mr. Steven Wong, Client Partner, Manufacturing and Properties, PCCW Solutions

3:05PM - 3:20PM

Networking break

3:20PM - 3:50PM

SuccessFactors: Total Workforce Management

by Ms. Annalena Kopf, Solutions Consultant, SAP SuccessFactors

3:50PM - 4:20PM

Fieldglass: Complete with contingent workforce management

by Mr. Erik Tang, Presales Expert, SAP Fieldglass

4:20PM - 4:30PM


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