
30 Oct, 2018 - Hong Kong

Another fantastic turnout for our ‘Revolutionizing manufacturing process in Industry 4.0’ seminar co-hosted by PCCW Solutions and SAP on Oct 30, 2018. The event gathered group of senior executives from manufacturing and logistics industries to learn the latest technologies for manufacturing digitalization including machine learning, blockchain, data intelligence, big data analytics, Internet of Things and cloud, as well as the new practices in building the future of factory.

During the seminar, the subject experts from PCCW Solutions and SAP shared valuable insights and industry cases on how the technologies are transforming the manufacturing processes nowadays.

Mr. Godfrey Poon, Director, Client Development of PCCW Solutions, welcomed the audience.

Mr. Eng Khoon Khoy, Regional Head of PCCW Solutions shared the new practices and development of the intelligent supply chain ecosystems in Industry 4.0.

Mr. Mike Luk, Senior Solutions Manager of SAP delivered a talk on how to apply Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing and logistic industries with latest SAP solutions.


2:15PM - 2:30PM


2:30PM – 2:35PM

Welcome remarks

2:35PM – 3:05PM

The future of logistics and manufacturing in Industry 4.0

By Eng Khoon Khoy, Regional Head, PCCW Solutions

3:05PM - 3:30PM

Networking tea break

3:30PM - 4:10PM

Applying Industry 4.0 to your Business

By Mike Luk, Senior Solutions Manager, SAP

4:10PM - 4:30PM


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