
24 Apr, 2018 - Hong Kong

In our recent seminar ‘Winning in the new era of retail’, our industry experts shared the latest retail industry trends, as well as best practice on how to create superlative customer experiences through digital technology.

Our guest speakers, Mr. David Chung from InnoEdge, and Dr. Ming Cheung from HKUST, shared their insights on how to transform digital retail business by deploying AI and social media.

Mr. Leo Ting, Associate Business Director of PCCW Solutions, began the seminar by explaining how PCCW Solutions helps retailers build digital business capabilities.

Mr. David Chung, Senior Partner of InnoEdge, gave an inspirational presentation on how to create ’wow’ customer experiences.

Dr. Ming Cheung, Ph.D. Research Associate of HKUST, presented on how to utilize multimedia big data analytics for smart advertising.


2:15PM - 2:30PM


2:30PM – 2:40PM

Opening Remarks

2:40PM – 3:10PM

How PCCW Solutions helps retailers build digital business capabilities

By Mr. Leo Ting, Associate Business Director, PCCW Solutions

3:10PM - 3:40PM

Creating ‘wow’ customer experiences for sustainable business growth

By Mr. David Chung, Senior Partner, InnoEdge Consulting

3:40PM - 4:00PM

Networking break

4:00PM - 4:30PM

Multimedia big data analytics for smart advertising

By Dr. Ming Cheung, Ph.D. Research Associate, HKUST

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